Evidence to the Lord's Commissioners of H M Treasury

The following evidence was included in a report to the Lord’s Commissioners of H M Treasury in respect of the non payment of Superior Duties by Patrick Fea I of Whitehall.

Robert Elphinstone of Lopness did convocat a great many men in arms and with them invaded Whythall’s house in Strynie and chased himself and his sons out of the Isle and the did plunder spulzie and carry away the haill crop both Corns and fodder as well as the Cattle of the rooms and lands of Airie and Strynie belonging to Whythall and that he [the despondent - John Pace of Stainsay - Lawrightman] knows that Whythall’s whole household plenishing and materials for labouring was spulzeit and carried away so much that he had no manner of bedclowths to lye in when he returned home ……and that the lands of Airie have ever since lain lie and that the Cottar houses of Strynie such as Coat, Coataquoy, Grassach(?), Stackaquoy, two houses in Gore, the house in Gryness, Howabaken, Frankshouse, etc., have since lain waste and uninhabited, and that the lands of Strynie have likeways been almost unlaboured and useless for the crops and the years of  God of 94, 95, 96, 97,  and 1698 years in so much that Whythall could never get servants maintenance and seed, much less to pay the King’s duty, etc. etc.

From The Feas of Clestrain (1932), Hugh Marwick
Proceedings of the Orkney Antiquarian Society, Vol XI, p34