Helen Fea and Henry Fotheringham

The children of Helen Fea and Henry Fotheringham include:

There is a large gap between 1770 and 1789. It should be noted that the second birth is in Kirkwall (and St Ola) while the first is in Stronsay.  There is a gap in the Stronsay OPR from 1771 to 1797.  It is to be assumed that there were further family.

The line of descent from Janet Fea who married Captain Peter Fea and of their daughter, Helen Fea who married Henry Fotheringham is uncertain.  It is worth looking at more recent Fea connections and seeing what evidence exist for making the connection back to these earlier Feas.

There is a birth in the Stronsay OPR for a Janet Fea Fotheringham Peace in 1815.

1815 - PEACE - Janet Fea Fotheringham, lawful daughter of John Peace of Downatown and Janet Fotheringham his spouse was born on the Sixteenth Day of May, 1815 about ten o'clock, p.m. and was baptised by the Rev Mr Dishington on the 19th of the said month in the presence of Henry Fotheringham, George Sherar and several others present on the occasion.  Note the mother died about five hours after the child was born.

Stronsay OPR

The parents of Janet Fea Fotheringham Peace were John Peace and Janet Fea Fotheringham. Could Janet Fea Fotheringham be another child of Henry Fotheringham and Helen Fea? Henry Fotheringham is a witness.  If so, Janet Fea Fotheringham Peace would be a grandchild of Helen Fea and Henry Fotheringham.  It is noted that George Sherar is also a witness.  Baikie Fea, Helen Fea's aunt, married a George Sherar from Rothiesholm in Stronsay.  Could the witness at the baptism in 1815 been a related to this earlier George Shearer?  The Stronsay IGI does not help.

While there is no certainty, circumstantial evidence suggests that there may be a connection here from the Feas to more recent generations with this further daughter of Helen Fea and Henry Fotheringham:

Janet died just after the birth of her daughter Janet Fea Fotheringham Peace in 1815.  Her age was 44 years indicating that she may have been born c1771.