Letter of 16th August 1694

A letter of 16th August 1694 tells of the incident in which an attempt was made to capture William Fea and the stand taken by Elizabeth Fea and others.  Malcolm Scollay relates how, under instruction, he:

....did seize  upon the persone of William ffea, whome I did find in the open fields, and was taking him to be sent to towne with the assistance and concurrencie of George Baikie of Greentof, and four Eade men who happened to be present, when I met with the said Wm ___, and while the men were bringing him away, Archibald Maxwell and his wife, Elizabeth Douglas, spouse to John Gibson, with her servant Margaret Manson; Barbara Traill, spouse to Patrick ffea and Elizabeth ffea, their daughter with eight or nine women mor of the said Barbara Traill's servants, did com vehemently running and did violently tak away the person of the said William ffea, by beating and striking George upon the head - till the said George was necesitat to defend himself against the sd Maxwell, and all the other women beating the rest of the men, and pulling their feet under them till they were till they wer nessitat to let him go. - Maxwell did lay hold upon myself that I was forced to throw him to the ground. - Barbara Traill and her daughter, Elizabeth ffea, spoke publickly that they would own and defend the person of the said William ffea.

The Real Captain Cleveland (1912), Allan Fea, p204-205