Ann Liddle - Obituary

Death of Grandma Fea. Passed Away at the Age of Ninety-Four. Funeral Services Held Sunday. At the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. P. Scott in this city (Newport, Washington), on May 20, occurred the death of Mrs. Ann Fea. On the Friday evening preceding Mrs. Fea was stricken with paralysis, from which she failed to rally and she remained unconscious until death came. For the past six months she had been gradually failing in health, but her mind remained active and bright despite her nearly 94 years. Ann Liddle was born at Falkirk, Scotland, June 25, 1815, and her youth was spent at that place. When 20 years of age she was married to Thos. Brown Fea. They emigrated to this country in 1853, landing in New Orleans. The yellow fever scourge visiting that city shortly after their arrival, they made their way to St. Louis, where Mr. Fea engaged in the hardware business. In 1859 they moved to Washington county Missouri, where in 1870 her beloved husband was removed by death, being instantly killed by a boiler explosion in a sawmill he was operating.

         Seated: Ann Fea (nee Liddle)
          Back: standing - Jessie Cass (nee Fea), her daughter

Since the death of her husband Mrs. Fea has made her home with her children. She first came to this state in 1893 with her daughter, Mrs. Scott, arriving here about the time the Great Northern Railway was being built, and when there were but few residents in this section. After remaining here four years, she went back to Missouri to remain with her other children for a time, again returning to Newport in 1901 and has since made her home with Mrs. Scott.

Mrs. Fea was the mother of 11 children, 3 daughters and 8 sons. Of these there are living three daughters and two sons. The daughters are Mrs. (Catherine) Kate Turnbull and Mrs. Scott of Newport, and Mrs. D. Kelly of Moberly, Missouri. One son, Nixon, lives at Hampton, Ark, and another, Joseph, at Kellogg, Idaho. Mrs. D. Kelly has been in Newport the past six months assisting in caring for her mother. The two sons arrived too late to be present at the funeral services. There are also living 23 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Scott at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 23. Many friends and neighbours came to pay their last respects to the memory of a good mother and kind friend, and floral offerings in profusion bore their message of love and sympathy. Mrs. Fea was a believer of the Church of Christ and in her declining years found much comfort in that faith. The services were conducted by Reader File, of the Church of Christ, of Spokane, and several members of the congregation were also present. Six grandsons, William, Chilton and Grant Turnbull and Thomas, Joseph and James Fea, served as pallbearers. Interment was in the I.O.O.F. cemetery.

Grandma Fea, as she was called by all who knew her, enjoyed a wide acquaintance among the early residents of this section, and was always pleased to greet her friends. Love of family and friends were the strong characteristics of her nature, and even in her advanced age she was a comfort and help in the home circle, her passing leaving a vacancy which will be sadly felt. Her unfailing cheerfulness and love of companionship brought to her many visitors, who loved to hear the old lady related with quaint Scotch ways and saying incidents of her youth in bonny Scotland. Her mind remained bright and active until her last illness. It has often been remarked that if all could come down to the end of life as did she, old age and death would have no terrors. Grandma will be missed by many and the recollections of her life as a good mother and kind friend will be an inspiration to those who mourn her passing.

The Newport Miner, 30 May 1909.