Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep, Asleep in Jesus! Oh, how sweet, Asleep in Jesus! Peaceful rest, Asleep in Jesus! Oh, for me Asleep in Jesus! Far from thee |
The words are by Margaret Mackay of Hedgefield. "Sleeping in Jesus" is a simple but expressive sentence inscribed on a tombstone in a rural burial ground in Devonshire.
"Sleeping in Jesus" by Mrs. Mackay of Hedgefield. This simple but expressive sentence is inscribed on a tombstone in a rural burying ground in Devonshire, and gave rise to the following verses. The words appeared in The Amethyst; or Christian's Annual, 1832.
In reprinting the hymn in her Thoughts Redeemed, 1854, Mrs Mackay said the burying ground meant was that of Pennycross Chapel. She adds:
"Distant only a few miles from a bustling and crowded seaport town, reached through a succession of those lovely green lanes for which Devonshire is so remarkable, the quiet aspect of Pennycross comes soothingly over the mind. "Sleeping in Jesus" seems in keeping with all around."
See The Cyber Hymnal for further information and a midi file
Above details from The Cyber Hymnal