Lima and Immediate Area

Lima, at the time when William Fea arrived in 1838, was a pleasure loving city with most of its inhabitants being colourful characters. There were women water carriers in the squares conveying casks by mule around the city.

At night, the natives would gather in the Plaza and drink exotic drinks of great potency. The ladies appeared most attractive although their faces were largely covered with just a tiny aperture to peep through. Seeing a lady could be expensive.

If a man gets acquainted with a family, it is expected he will escort them frequently to the Plaza on fine moonlight nights and treat the whole of them with ices,etc.; and they will perhaps invite a dozen of their friends if they happened to meet them, and the victim is saddled with all expenses as a matter of course.

MS of William Fea
From "Recollections of Sixty Years" (1927), page 58: Allan Fea

The neighbouring pleasure town of Chorrillas treated money more seriously. William describes the depravity there, on all sides, as appalling.

Gold pieces of $30 staked as if they were no more value than so many pieces of tin.

MS of William Fea
From "Recollections of Sixty Years" (1927), page 58: Allan Fea

Amancaise, two miles from Lima was seen as a more innocent pleasure haunt.