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Barbara Slater Fea - Obituary

"...us sleepeth" Lord
if he sleep he shall do well

Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep
From which none ever wakes to weep,
A calm and undisturbed repose
Unbroken by the last of foes!

Barbara Slater Fea, which was the late Mrs. Shurie's maiden name, was born nearly 85 years ago on the Island of Stronsay in the North of Scotland, and with her husband Josiah P. Shurie lived for some years in Kirkwall, where the eldest of their children were born. Her husband preceeded [sic] her to Canada, but in 1872 returned to accompany her and their children to the home he had provided for them here. Ever since then they have resided in Trenton and few of its citizens are better known or more beloved.

For over 40 years Mrs. Shurie was identified with St. Andrew's Church, Trenton, of which here husband during nearly all that time has been an Elder and is now the Senior member of Session. She loved her own church ardently and abounded in labours of love to show her attachment to it, but she sympathized with every well-directed effort for the upbuilding of the other congregations in our town and was characterized by a truly Catholic spirit.

Besides her husband four sons are left to mourn her removal - Andrew S. of Trenton, Josiah S., M.D., of Vancouver, James S. of Trenton and John S. of Wellington. They are all married and the grandchildren number seven. Dr. Shurie was not able to reach Trenton for the funeral, but all the rest of the sons were present as was also Mrs. Taylor of Chicago, a niece of the deceased. To all the members of the family we tender our heartfelt sympathy."

Unknown newspaper, Trenton, Ontario.

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