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Gravestone and Arms

The gravestone of Margaret Bolt had the following inscription.

Here lyes interres the corps of Margaret Bolt spouse to Thomas Fea, Merchant in Lerwick, they were married in the year 1736 and of her age 22 - to whome she had 13 children She dies Novr. 14th 1758 aged 44.

Here rests the dust, the soul from earth set free Enjoys the pleasures of eternity Peaceful, contented riopus and resigned an upright neighbour and a social friend calmly endured the troubles of this life a tender mother and a loving wife Her husband and her house were all her care in life below, in death had nought to fear.

Allan Fea in his 1912 book "The Real Captain Cleveland" considers it likely that Thomas had some connection with the Feas of Clestrain in Orkney due to the similarity of the arms on the monument and an old painting depicting the alliance between the Baikies and Feas in Orkney.

He considered that Smith's "Amorials of the County of Orkney" in 1902 at page 122 erroneously attributed the dexter shield to that of Shaw due to the three covered cups and that a distinction can be made between the families by the tinctures. He refers to a seal on one of the letters of William Fea of Milnfield also having three covered cups.

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