Colin Oliver Reed

Colin was born on the 9th September, 1896 to Frank Reed and Charlotte Linklater

During his early years times were hard for most people in that district of the periodic droughts, and Colin went to work for the Frank Webbs as soon as he could leave school, but later served his apprenticeship to Mr. W. J. Pyman, the saddler.

Colin served in the first AIF in France.  After he was discharged he returned to Mr. Pyman, a good and helpful man, and for many years he tried to run the saddler's shop.

However, in about 1926 when the pressures of the economic conditions were moving so many people to seek other means of employment, he joined Cameron at Arrabury.  He remained in the outback, and finally came to anchor in Windorah, Queensland, where he became known as 'a handy Jack-of-all-trades , who can do anything from pulling your teeth, to burying you.

He died on the 23rd April, 1984 and Windorah. An amount of Colin's gear is in the Stockman Hall of Fame in Longreach, Queensland. There is known to be a photo of Colin with two soldier friends (which probably are two of his brothers) in an Australian book called "Starlight's Trial".