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Diary of William Fea:
Following Chilean Entry to Lima

"Walk before breakfast - saw bodies lying on and near the bridge - melancholy spectacle! At ten o'clock A.M. accompanied by Mr Stanford to the battle-field, which presented a scene almost indescribable - helmets, broken swords, muskets, garments, shoes, etc., and dead bodies lying about in strange confusion. Hundreds of gullinasso (carrion crows) hovering over the field, only awaiting the departure of the people for their horrid feast. We remarked that most of those who had wounds in the back of their heads died with their faces downwards. Many poor women were employed, apparently in the melancholy task of seeking the body of a husband, relative or friend; others were eagerly occupied - looking for plunder. I was very much surprised to see very respectably dressed females looking on this appalling scene, apparently unmoved. The conquerors appeared to be in high glee. Two days after the battle dead bodies were still lying in the street, but on the third day all were burnt on the battlefield. The whereabouts of General Santa Cruz was not known, but his vanguard was within a few leagues of the city, and several skirmishes had taken place between the Bolivians and the victors. The leader was expected to arrive with a well-disciplined army to drive the Chileans out, who meanwhile had rallied their forces, seizing horses and forcing unwilling recruits; and in consequence of their brutality, H.M.S. President and Imogene, now lying off the port, placed themselves close alongside the Chilean vessels and threatened a broadside should any attempt be made to move until their gross acts had ceased."

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