Home Contacts
Main Sections:
Westray Grays
Papa Westray Grays
Eday Grays:
    John Gray
    Margaret Gray
Barbara Allan:
    Westray Allans

Site Maps:
Westray Grays
Papa Westray Grays
Eday Grays
    John Gray
    Margaret Gray
Westray Allans

Related Websites:

Other website:
The Glasgow Orkney and Shetland Benevolent Society

Contact Descendants and Contributors

(See below for e-mail addresses)

Mike Rendall
Glasgow, Scotland

Don Drever

Mavis Gray
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Mila Murphy
Santa Clara, California

Linda Hughes, Santa
Barbara, California

Lorrie Sudoski
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Marian Buckley
Tankerness, Orkney

John Wallace

Aileen Foulis
Perthshire, Scotland

E-mail Addresses:

Mike Rendall E-mail: michael.rendall
           At: ntlworld.com
Mila Murphy E-Mail: milajm10
           At: gmail.com
Mavis Gray E-mail: Mavis_Gray
           At: umr@umanitoba.ca
Lorrie Sudoski E-mail: lsudoski
           At: hotmail.com
Linda Hughes E-mail: dklk
           At: cox.net
Marian Buckley E-mail: heerabutz
           At: btopenworld.com
Aileen Foulis E-mail: aileenfoulis
           At: btinternet.com
Don Drever E-mail: dondrever
           At: gmail.com

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