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Westray Grays
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    John Gray
    Margaret Gray
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    Westray Allans

Site Maps:
Westray Grays
Papa Westray Grays
Eday Grays
    John Gray
    Margaret Gray
Westray Allans

Related Websites:

Eday Grays - Margaret Gray

1. Margaret Gray and Thomas Reid
    2. Ann Meil Reid and John Irvine
        3. Thomas Irvine
        3. William Irvine
    2. William Reid and Janet Wards
        3. William Reid and Margaret Petrie
            4. William Reid and Annie Miller
            4. Margaret Jane Reid and David Scott
        3. James Reid and Margaret Gunn
        3. Margaret Reid and Andrew James Wilson
            4. Andrew James Wilson
    2. Lilias Stobie Reid and John Bryden Wallace
        3. Margaret Wallace
        3. Robert Bruce Wallace and Jessie Ann Muir
        3. John Alexander Wallace and Elizabeth Peace Muir
        3. Thomas Reid Wallace and Agnes Wallace
        3. Lilias Wallace and Frederick Louis Veniard
    2. Maria Dobbin Davidson Reid
    2. Thomas Reid and Ann Reid
        3. Thomas Reid and Elizabeth Thomson
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