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Introduction / Barbara Allan / Westray Allans / Isabella Allan and George Gullion / William Gullion and Isabella Drever / Mary Gullion and William Peace / Charles Peace and Rachel Tulloch

Peter Peace and Annie Scott Sinclair

Peter Peace was born about 1875 to Charles Peace and Rachel Tulloch of Mounthoulie, Eday. On 19th July 1898, in Kirkwall, he married Annie Scott Sinclair, daughter of Archibald Sinclair and Annie Scott Rendall. They had two sons:

  • Charles S. Peace, b. abt 1900
  • Archibald Peace, b. abt 1905

At the time of his marriage Peter was an ironmonger's assistant in Kirkwall. However, in 1906 Peter, Annie and their two sons emigrated to the US and settled in Brooklyn, New York. Peter worked in a factory, first as a hardware clerk, and later as a shipping clerk. In 1910, the family ran a boarding house, taking in several lodgers. This activity had been discontinued by 1920.

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